Saturday, November 30, 2013

Who worked with Oswald?

LBJ - No because who would put themselves in that shooting gallery? Besides his "motivation" was beucase he wanted power. But he didn't run in 1968. 

Mob - Probably because of the heat from Bobby, besides the strongest evidence is from them.

CIA - They provided the springboard for the assassination. Besides they have more incognito ways of handling these things.

Anti-Castro - Not politically connected enough to cover it up

Pro-Castro - You can never discount a rogue element of any group, no matter how noble their intentions. But if Castro did have any fear from the US he would have known it was the CIA and not the US President after him

Soviets - They had a lot of supposed motivations (Cuban Missile Crisis, Gary Powers spying, etc). If the Soviets took out JFK they would have had to deal with LBJ (or possibly Goldwater after 1964) who was more likely to go to war than JFK.

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