Saturday, January 25, 2014

The package/ride to work

     I just read that apparently Vincent Bugliosi put in his JFK book that if Oswald was part of a conspiracy why wouldn't they have given him a ride to the TSBD. I am surprised a criminal prosecutor would make such an ill-informed statement. We're not talking about a run of the mill bank robbery. We're talking about killing the president of one of the most power countries in the world. You don't just drop a guy off outside or anywhere near a building if he's going to kill the president. There is just too much that could go wrong, a license plate, make/model of the car, description of the driver, all could be traced back to someone who could know who was behind the assassination.
     Another thing I find disappointing about this statement is it tells me Bugliosi may not have understood ways in which this could have went down. The CIA and Mafia plan things in a way in which they are least likely to be caught. Obviously nether wants anyone to know they exist. So this is the type of thing that takes months, even years to plan. And when you do these things you only tell the people involved what they need to know. So obviously the less Oswald knows, the less he can tell the authorities. I do not believe he carried his gun into the TSBD that day. He wanted people to know he was carrying something (I think one thing LNers and CTers agree on is Lee Harvey wanted the name Oswald associated with JFK when he got up November 22, 1963.

     This was not the only setup by perpetrators. I believe the evidence shows there were similar situations in Miami and Chicago that were thwarted (I just made the connection: Chicago had a sizable organized crime presence and Miami had all the Cuban exiles, more patsies).