Sunday, December 1, 2013

Medical/ballistic Evidence

I don't have much opinion on the medical and ballistic evidence directly. It was a crazy time and he had his head literately split open in an open car on a public street so I wouldn't expect all of the brain matter to be there.
I have limited knowledge of ballistics. I have fired a few guns but not much experience with military issued guns such as the Mannlicher Carcano. My feeling is that even though its highly unlikely it was used to kill JFK, you still can't completely rule it out. So its a non-issue. Someone could have used it, Oswald could have used it.

Obviously it would not be unlikely to find Oswald's fingerprints on his own gun or in a place where he worked.

Basic thoughts

From the surface its clearly a mob hit, public, bloody, the way they like it.

Never felt it was political, with our freedoms it would really be hard to run for office and hide the fact you killed your opponent. Voter intimidation, trying to keep blacks/minorities from registering, character assassination now that's all-American politics.

It had to be in some way related to government agency (even a small band of people) otherwise they wouldn't have been so secretive about it.

For the last few years I have felt Castro was somehow responsible.